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Summer Reading


June, 2024 

Dear Parents, 

Throughout the year, the Hawthorne elementary school staff has been stressing the importance of students selecting and reading books that are appropriate for their specific reading ability and appeal to their individual interests. This same philosophy will again be applied to our summer reading assignments. We kindly ask that you use your child’s individual alpha reading level indicated on the final report card as guidance for selecting a summer text. If you are unsure of the level of a text your child has selected, Scholastic BookWizard can help. Simply click on the link below, type in the book title, and in most cases, the alpha level of the book will appear! 

Though we want our students to select reading material that is of interest to them, we do ask that parents take an active role in approving the book for their child to ensure that its content is appropriate. These books are leveled based on reading ability, not necessarily age-level. Therefore, as the reading level increases, sometimes the theme of the work may not match the age of the child, especially for our most advanced readers. We ask for your assistance in ensuring the book selection is appropriate for your child in all ways. 

After reading the book, each student is required to complete a series of self-selected assignments outlined on the PERFECT 10 chart indicated for the grade level that he or she will be entering. Rather than complete the traditional report, students are allowed to choose which assignments they would like to do based on the text. The only catch is that all of the assignments together must equal 10 points. For example, your child might choose to complete two 5-point exercises, or two 4-point exercises and one 2-point activity to reach the PERFECT 10. Any combination is acceptable, and the choice is up to your child. Teachers will review this work in September and return the graded assignments to your child. 

Happy Reading! 

Kristen Trabona, Ph.D. 

Director of Education

Please see Reading Response Questions in link below: